September Tenth Two Thousand Twelve
Today is National Suicide Awareness Day. Today is also the day I am starting this blog. In my short sixteen years of life here on Earth, I have dealt a lot with this subject. When I was little, I watched my sister try to overdose on pills in attempts of ending it. It was not until years later I realized why she had taken more then the average dose of pills. When having a conversation with my best friend that lives six hours away last year, I recognized the signs of suicide. I reported them the next day, only to be told I was crazy and psychotic by my own guidance department at school. They did agree to help me get him help even if they did not believe me. I found out a couple months later that he was hospitalized after I acted because I was right. My guidance department at school still do not want to admit they were wrong or apologize to me. Later on last year, my friend told me how she almost took her life that morning. Lately, I have found myself in a suicidal state which I have accepted, and I am on my way with my own recovery. And just yesterday, I found out another friend is suicidal and there is no way I can help this one. It is hard, but maybe this blog will help people realize their is a life worth living.
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